My first attempt at writing a poem in Welsh turned out to be a sort of sonnet! Hardly bard material, but I guess it's a start. Translation of sorts below.

gwyn yr eira, oer y gwynt,/
ddawr gwanwyn ddim ynghynt.//

wele ar y ben bob cangen/
hepian yw blagyren bychan.//

oedynt adar wneud eu nyth:/
mae gwynt yn gryfach eto'n fyth//

dere gwanwyn, dere haul!/
rhodda'ch caredigrwydd inni'n hael!//

disgwylwn weld yr byd yn gwennu,/
'n glasu'r ddaear,  llwyddo,  bucheddu/
yn fuan byddwn calonogi/
yn sicr daw'r gwanwyn eleni!//

The TRANSLATION goes something like this:

white the snow, cold the wind,/
this isn't an early spring//

look, at the end of each twig/
a little bud is sleeping//

birds are delaying their nestbuilding:/
the wind is still getting stronger.//

Come spring! Come sun!/
give us generous kindness!//

We expect to see the world smiling/
the earth greening, flourishing, expanding/
soon we will be full-hearted,/
the spring is certainly coming this year!//

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    Dw i'n byw yn Aberystwyth gyda ngwr i,ein cath ac ein ci ni. (I live in Aberystwyth with my husband, our cat and our dog). Dyn ni wedi bod yn dysgu Cymraeg ers 2007. (We've been learning Welsh since 2007)


    April 2013

    Hammered dulcimer.
    Writing: books
    Writing: poetry
    Writing: music
